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Have fun and don't let the bed bugs bite.

Adikan Movie Review.

     Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be half human and half vampire? Not to many people I know of has ever even thought twice about it, with the exception of one or two.  Well Wesley Snipes does a great job portraying a half breed (half vampire/half human) in his new movie BLADE. 
The story takes place in a city (I think new York) where there is a cult of vampires who are obsessed with taking over the world. The cult leader (played by Stephen Dorph) has been continuously hunted by blade. The whole movie is full of great special effects and good acting. There's a lot more to the plot then what I stated. I don't want to spoil it for you. What I can tell you is that blade's mother was bitten by a vampire while she was pregnant with him, giving him the strength of a vampire but the soul of a human meaning that….well you'll see.
     Go see the movie, it's great and It'll keep you on your seat, and in some parts you'll just want to get up and yell "That's right, beat the crap out of him!"
It's worth paying full price.